For those of you who think I'm just a hysterical opportunist - here's a snapshot of the last 24 hours of my life:
6:00am Tues: My son had been exhibiting signs of an early asthma attack, or cold, or bronchitis, or pneumonia for about a week... So, I run a hot bath hoping to break-up the mucus in his chest. It worked. He spits up a huge clump of phlegm and spits it into the toilet, (Sorry to be so graphic, but this is pertinent). Then, he turns to me and asks: "Is it bad if it was red?"
(Oh no, here we go again, I think - this is the second or third time this has happened since we've lived here, and it's not a 'normal' asthmatic indicator.)
I try to hide my alarm, as I casually answer: "Yes, it's bad; It was probably blood. Please let me see it before you flush it next time".
7:30am Tues: Parent / Teacher conference where my son is groggy and lethargic throughout. Coughing the whole time.
Wed: More of the same, except worse.
Thurs: We go to the Pediatricians office, for the whole drill - pulse ox reading, physical exam, three asthma treatments in a row, and medications, medications, medications, and more medications.
Fri: Home from school, having a hard time getting him to eat - that's been going on all week though. I ask every hour - applesauce? No. soup? No. Oranage juice? No. Jello? No. Crackers? No. Ice Cream? No. That's when I KNOW he's sick - when he turns down ice cream.
Come to find out that there's four storm drains (that's what my landlord calls them - sounds much better than sewage drains) holding standing 'water' in this area. Standing water breeds mosquitoes, which we have A LOT of here. One is in the park across from my house, another is in my backyard, two sandwich a playground kids play at. They've figured out how to pry open the jury-rigged wood and screen coverings over the drains. It's only a matter of time before a child falls in. Only a matter of time.
Sat: By now we're both exhausted from following doctors orders for round the clock asthma treatments. I've long since figured out a way to give him a treatment while he's sleeping.
Meanwhile, life marches on. Tuesday he goes back to school - and works overtime - almost relapsing - in an effort to make up for lost schoolwork and assignments.
Ugh. I've decided to run fans non-stop in my house in order to cleanse the air to prevent another asthma incident. Living next to an industrial park is disgusting and toxic. However, according to HUD, it's normal and appropriate. They simply have a separate set of rules for homeowners and renters. Renters get moved around cities, counties and States like chess pieces on a chess board. At their whim, and most times to our detriment.
There's more I could add, but I'm tired. I have to take a lot of medications now, myself - and my energy levels haven't been what they should be. Not to mention I'm under constant threat of eviction - it's enough to drive anyone mad.
I'm mad, but I'm also M A D !
Currently, this is my own, private rant about my ten-year negative experience with HUD housing, first hand. Ideally, it will morph into a forum where other residents can feel free to 'vent' anonymously - without fear of retribution.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Monday, May 21, 2012
My friend Karen started a petition:
Because HUD persists in ignoring our complaints, putting out their own version of all the good deeds they do, and ignore us tenants.
I've signed it, because apparently this blog, my facebook page (OCCUPY HUD), as well as my numerous written and verbal complaints aren't enough.
Ironically, the New York Rep for the National Alliance of Hud Tenants contacted Karen today - and, in a chastising manner told her that there were: "better ways to handle this".... Which makes me wonder: Which "better way" is she referring to?! Has she come home to her son's window being mysteriously unlocked?! Has she had to live for five years in a mold-ridden house?! Have her verbal and written complaints been "lost" or disregarded multiple times??!! Has she had to watch her 80-year-old mother suffer for two months without heat? Has she ever been wrongfully evicted by HUD? How about being threatened multiple times with eviction, and embarrassed - like myself?!
The time to be diplomatic and tactful is OVER. We've tried all the necessary channels to contact the proper authorities, to no avail. Now, it's OUR TIME.
So, I suggest: If you can't stand the heat, stay outta the kitchen !!
Because HUD persists in ignoring our complaints, putting out their own version of all the good deeds they do, and ignore us tenants.
I've signed it, because apparently this blog, my facebook page (OCCUPY HUD), as well as my numerous written and verbal complaints aren't enough.
Ironically, the New York Rep for the National Alliance of Hud Tenants contacted Karen today - and, in a chastising manner told her that there were: "better ways to handle this".... Which makes me wonder: Which "better way" is she referring to?! Has she come home to her son's window being mysteriously unlocked?! Has she had to live for five years in a mold-ridden house?! Have her verbal and written complaints been "lost" or disregarded multiple times??!! Has she had to watch her 80-year-old mother suffer for two months without heat? Has she ever been wrongfully evicted by HUD? How about being threatened multiple times with eviction, and embarrassed - like myself?!
The time to be diplomatic and tactful is OVER. We've tried all the necessary channels to contact the proper authorities, to no avail. Now, it's OUR TIME.
So, I suggest: If you can't stand the heat, stay outta the kitchen !!
Friday, February 10, 2012
In 2006, The Village Voice called HUD "New York City's worst landlord" and "the #1 worst in the United States." The criticism is based upon decrepit conditions of buildings and questionable eviction practices.
We've been debating on my Occupy HUD facebook page: HUD. Specifically, their mission:
'... To create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business.
So, we debate that, versus how much they really help.
When they evict a 101-year-old woman at Christmas, promise to rehab her home for her return, then change their minds and disallow her from returning, that goes in the 'not helping' category.
When they break-up families with threats of trespassing orders should they allow them to visit their homes because of their real or perceived criminal records.... That also goes into the 'not helping' category.
When they house women and children in crime-ridden neighborhoods and leave them to fend for themselves, that would also go into the 'not helping' category.
When they allow their employees to randomly enforce their rules at will and for their convenience - that would probably go into the 'not helping' category.
When they evict a tenant and her young child in Winter - then refuse to allow the mother to gather appropriate clothing for that child - definitely NOT HELPING.
When they displace people at will for their own selfish, monetary gain - like chattel - once again - NOT HELPING.
When they house people in deficient homes rife with mold, rodents and other housing code violations.... not helping.
When they allow HA staff to illegally steal federal funding with no repercussions, to the detriment of residents - NOT HELPING.
Let's see..... I can personally attest that myself and my family have NOT been helped by this landlord - to the contrary - we've only been hurt; And that yes - as the Village Voice said: ".....(HUD is) - the #1 worst landlord in the United States." Because they hurt.
We've been debating on my Occupy HUD facebook page: HUD. Specifically, their mission:
'... To create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality affordable homes for all. HUD is working to strengthen the housing market to bolster the economy and protect consumers; meet the need for quality affordable rental homes: utilize housing as a platform for improving quality of life; build inclusive and sustainable communities free from discrimination; and transform the way HUD does business.
So, we debate that, versus how much they really help.
When they evict a 101-year-old woman at Christmas, promise to rehab her home for her return, then change their minds and disallow her from returning, that goes in the 'not helping' category.
When they break-up families with threats of trespassing orders should they allow them to visit their homes because of their real or perceived criminal records.... That also goes into the 'not helping' category.
When they house women and children in crime-ridden neighborhoods and leave them to fend for themselves, that would also go into the 'not helping' category.
When they allow their employees to randomly enforce their rules at will and for their convenience - that would probably go into the 'not helping' category.
When they evict a tenant and her young child in Winter - then refuse to allow the mother to gather appropriate clothing for that child - definitely NOT HELPING.
When they displace people at will for their own selfish, monetary gain - like chattel - once again - NOT HELPING.
When they house people in deficient homes rife with mold, rodents and other housing code violations.... not helping.
When they allow HA staff to illegally steal federal funding with no repercussions, to the detriment of residents - NOT HELPING.
Let's see..... I can personally attest that myself and my family have NOT been helped by this landlord - to the contrary - we've only been hurt; And that yes - as the Village Voice said: ".....(HUD is) - the #1 worst landlord in the United States." Because they hurt.
Monday, January 30, 2012
For those of you who don't remember the old Abbott and Costello comedy sketch "Whose on First?" Ya gotta Google it. They go round and round for about 15 minutes talking about whose on first? and what's on second? and i-don't-know's on third.... It's hilarious. Pure genius.
It's funny, until it becomes real life, and the jokes on you. Sleight of hand... Don't look over here... Look over there.... I'm saying one thing, but meaning another... And, it's up to you to figure out what I REALLY mean..... Go ahead... Try.
There's also a saying: "... I can't define discrimination, but I know it when I see it....."
My son and I were talking about discrimination this past weekend, and I told him that I had (finally) filed a formal complaint against my landlord, but expect an uphill battle trying to prove it. And, he asked a perfectly legitimate question: "Why?"
WHY. Because it's 2012, and though we have a plethora of anti-discrimination laws in place, discrimination still exists. People don't want to believe that (myself included), because we'd like to think - that after all the HELL this nation has been through - we've eradicated this particular nasty problem. But, let me pose the following scenarios to you:
A wheelchair bound woman wants to attend the University of Maryland (this is purely hypothetical), but the building is not wheelchair accessible in many ways. Ways that impede her ability to get an education at that institution. So, she writes a letter to the Dean, asking for 'reasonable accommodations', such as a widening of the doors, automatic door openers, wheelchair accessible bathroom facilities.... But, the Dean responds: "Sorry, no can do... You're asking us to expend 'X' amount of money - which we deem too much, so - we STRONGLY SUGGEST you transfer to another facility - maybe the University of Delaware? I hear they're wheelchair accessible...." Do you think this is an appropriate response? No, because it's NOT. That's discrimination, and it's illegal.
Another case in point: This one is NOT a hypothetical, it's an actual, real-life situation: A child (6-yrs-old) has been diagnosed as a violent, unpredictable, suicidal schizophrenic. Her parents tried to have her attend their local elementary school, where one day she proceeded to slam her body into doors and through windows. The Police had to be called, to take her away - and commit her to UCLA's inpatient mental health department for two weeks. However, upon her release, her parents still desired that she attend that particular school. It was agreed that she might not be able to attend a full day (like the other children), and as well, that she couldn't be trusted around the other children (for their safety); But, rather than outright tell the parents that she couldn't attend the school, the School Board accommodated (there's that word again) them by paying teachers overtime, thereby allowing the child to attend the school after hours. THAT'S an appropriate, legal, anti-discriminatory response.
Now, consider what happened to me: I live in a house rife with toxic mold, inform my landlord, have independent tests done to prove my assertions; ask them to remediate the mold, get laughed out of the office summarily, and threatened with eviction on a particular day should I not comply with their desire to have me move to a more deficient property. Does that sound logical or legal? No, because it's NOT. So, they're providing housing, but it's deficient housing... Which brings me back to my original question: Whose on First?!
It's funny, until it becomes real life, and the jokes on you. Sleight of hand... Don't look over here... Look over there.... I'm saying one thing, but meaning another... And, it's up to you to figure out what I REALLY mean..... Go ahead... Try.
There's also a saying: "... I can't define discrimination, but I know it when I see it....."
My son and I were talking about discrimination this past weekend, and I told him that I had (finally) filed a formal complaint against my landlord, but expect an uphill battle trying to prove it. And, he asked a perfectly legitimate question: "Why?"
WHY. Because it's 2012, and though we have a plethora of anti-discrimination laws in place, discrimination still exists. People don't want to believe that (myself included), because we'd like to think - that after all the HELL this nation has been through - we've eradicated this particular nasty problem. But, let me pose the following scenarios to you:
A wheelchair bound woman wants to attend the University of Maryland (this is purely hypothetical), but the building is not wheelchair accessible in many ways. Ways that impede her ability to get an education at that institution. So, she writes a letter to the Dean, asking for 'reasonable accommodations', such as a widening of the doors, automatic door openers, wheelchair accessible bathroom facilities.... But, the Dean responds: "Sorry, no can do... You're asking us to expend 'X' amount of money - which we deem too much, so - we STRONGLY SUGGEST you transfer to another facility - maybe the University of Delaware? I hear they're wheelchair accessible...." Do you think this is an appropriate response? No, because it's NOT. That's discrimination, and it's illegal.
Another case in point: This one is NOT a hypothetical, it's an actual, real-life situation: A child (6-yrs-old) has been diagnosed as a violent, unpredictable, suicidal schizophrenic. Her parents tried to have her attend their local elementary school, where one day she proceeded to slam her body into doors and through windows. The Police had to be called, to take her away - and commit her to UCLA's inpatient mental health department for two weeks. However, upon her release, her parents still desired that she attend that particular school. It was agreed that she might not be able to attend a full day (like the other children), and as well, that she couldn't be trusted around the other children (for their safety); But, rather than outright tell the parents that she couldn't attend the school, the School Board accommodated (there's that word again) them by paying teachers overtime, thereby allowing the child to attend the school after hours. THAT'S an appropriate, legal, anti-discriminatory response.
Now, consider what happened to me: I live in a house rife with toxic mold, inform my landlord, have independent tests done to prove my assertions; ask them to remediate the mold, get laughed out of the office summarily, and threatened with eviction on a particular day should I not comply with their desire to have me move to a more deficient property. Does that sound logical or legal? No, because it's NOT. So, they're providing housing, but it's deficient housing... Which brings me back to my original question: Whose on First?!
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
We have a saying, here in the 'hood. It's called: 'shady', meaning anyone or anything which is not totally honest, and/or a situation which seems suspicious. That's 'shady'.
I myself don't like dealing with shady people, and try to avoid shady situations at all costs. That's part of the reason I stopped going to RHE Board Meetings, and Resident Council meetings. I always felt like I had to take really hot showers afterwards....
What am I talking about?
Well, let's begin at the beginning.....: The first home I rented through RHE was in a complex due for demolition within two years after my moving there. The justification to HUD that RHE was making for the demolition was that the property was in distress, old and unlivable - yet - they continued to house us there, and profit from our rents.... As well, they continued to hire unlicensed contractors to make cosmetic upgrades. Shady.
Anyway, they get a pot of gold from the City to help "relocate" us (that's what they called it), with promises to reimburse us for moving costs, as well as miscellaneous charges we might incur due to our relocation. I didn't get any of that money, and nobody I know did either. So, where did the money go?? Shady.
During this whole time, they needed to prove that there was an active resident council - in order that everything appear 'politically correct'. So, I join - like a dummy. My position? Treasurer. When I heard whispers that there was an account specifically set aside for resident expenditures, and I asked how much was in the account, and how we could access it - I was told that information was 'confidential'. That was the end of my tenure as Treasurer. Shady.
So, I take solace that we will be given first option to buy back through a creative mortgage/Section 8 Certificate program where our monthly payments would go towards ownership of the new homes, as promised. Didn't happen; Because - all of a sudden - the money set aside for this program magically disappeared. Shady.
Whatever.... At least I know that they're responsible custodians of my escrow account, right? You guessed it - my money mysteriously disappeared. Again. Shady.
No matter - I'll just sign an extension of the same contract (what the hell was I thinking???!!!), and benefit after another two years. Right??!! WRONG. Not only did the money disappear this time, but the contract itself disappeared from my RHE file as well. Luckily, I still have my copy. But, that's SHADY, right ?!
How about when my landlord puts a letter on my door that workers are coming to my home today, and no one shows up?? Once again - SHADY.
My grandmother was a very wise woman. She said: "If a man lies, he'll cheat. If a man lies and cheats, he'll steal.... " Yeah. Shady.
I myself don't like dealing with shady people, and try to avoid shady situations at all costs. That's part of the reason I stopped going to RHE Board Meetings, and Resident Council meetings. I always felt like I had to take really hot showers afterwards....
What am I talking about?
Well, let's begin at the beginning.....: The first home I rented through RHE was in a complex due for demolition within two years after my moving there. The justification to HUD that RHE was making for the demolition was that the property was in distress, old and unlivable - yet - they continued to house us there, and profit from our rents.... As well, they continued to hire unlicensed contractors to make cosmetic upgrades. Shady.
Anyway, they get a pot of gold from the City to help "relocate" us (that's what they called it), with promises to reimburse us for moving costs, as well as miscellaneous charges we might incur due to our relocation. I didn't get any of that money, and nobody I know did either. So, where did the money go?? Shady.
During this whole time, they needed to prove that there was an active resident council - in order that everything appear 'politically correct'. So, I join - like a dummy. My position? Treasurer. When I heard whispers that there was an account specifically set aside for resident expenditures, and I asked how much was in the account, and how we could access it - I was told that information was 'confidential'. That was the end of my tenure as Treasurer. Shady.
So, I take solace that we will be given first option to buy back through a creative mortgage/Section 8 Certificate program where our monthly payments would go towards ownership of the new homes, as promised. Didn't happen; Because - all of a sudden - the money set aside for this program magically disappeared. Shady.
Whatever.... At least I know that they're responsible custodians of my escrow account, right? You guessed it - my money mysteriously disappeared. Again. Shady.
No matter - I'll just sign an extension of the same contract (what the hell was I thinking???!!!), and benefit after another two years. Right??!! WRONG. Not only did the money disappear this time, but the contract itself disappeared from my RHE file as well. Luckily, I still have my copy. But, that's SHADY, right ?!
How about when my landlord puts a letter on my door that workers are coming to my home today, and no one shows up?? Once again - SHADY.
My grandmother was a very wise woman. She said: "If a man lies, he'll cheat. If a man lies and cheats, he'll steal.... " Yeah. Shady.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
/həˈræs







noun: The act or an instance of harassing, or disturbing, pestering, or troubling repeatedly; persecution.
I know the meaning of this word intimately, unfortunately :-(
And, I know it because I've been with this particular landlord (RHE/HUD) for ten years. I've watched staff turnover more times then I care to count. I've seen the professional ones, the lazy ones, the dumb ones, the ones who were only there to get a paycheck. I've witnessed the sneaky ones, the racist ones, the cool ones, the quiet ones, the nosy ones.....
I've known staff who were cooperative, and staff who couldn't be less cooperative. That's the kind we have right now. The ones who play dumb when you ask them questions, and who go out of their way to make your life HARD.
But, back to my favorite subject: ME. I've come to the sad conclusion that I had a mini nervous breakdown last month; Maybe even over the last several months. This is because my landlord - specifically Stacy Brooks - and her lawyer - Mr. Kenneth Tecler have been suing me every month since August. Coincidentally, right around the time I began complaining about THE MOAT.
So, the routine goes something like this: I gather my few little pennies, pay the bare necessities - try to save enough money to pay rent - which hardly ever happens before the 10th of the month. But, I pay what I can, when I can, which is not soon enough for them - because they run to the courthouse to file suit against me. I go to court, the case gets dismissed.
Then, next month - I gather my few little pennies, pay the bare necessities - try to save enough money to pay rent - which hardly ever happens before the 10th of the month. But, I pay what I can, when I can, which is not soon enough for them - because they run to the courthouse to file suit against me. I go to court, the case gets dismissed.
Next month: I gather my few little pennies, pay the bare necessities - try to save enough money to pay rent - which hardly ever happens before the 10th of the month. But, I pay what I can, when I can, which is not soon enough for them - because they run to the courthouse to file suit against me. I go to court, the case gets dismissed.
Starting to get the picture? They became so infuriated that I continued to be able to come up with rent (although I'm not working), that they started fraudulently padding my account, adding frivolous - erroneous, trumped up charges - hoping I wouldn't question them, or be able to pay them - so they could justify my eviction; Which they've filed for three times in the last six months as well.
Sound like nice people to you? NOT !
Friday, January 20, 2012
I awoke this morning to banging on my front door. Half asleep, and not expecting any visitors, I just thought it had something to do with the construction on the unit next door; Therefore, I didn't respond immediately.
I drifted back to sleep.... But, a few minutes later - there it was again. Banging. Louder. This time, there was no doubt that it was my door. Banging, like "OPEN UP ! IT'S THE POLICE !!" type banging. So, being curious - I went downstairs and looked through the window. Sure enough - there was a strange man banging at my front door. When he realized that wasn't working, he tried the doorknob, then began tapping on the window, insistently.
Now, I should back up and say that I have a checkered past with my landlord, and maintenance crew. Despite my repeated requests for them to give me advanced notice when they send strange men / subcontractors to my house - they repeatedly ignore me, and send them anyway.
I didn't make that request lightly. 15 years ago, while living here in Rockville, at Fireside Park Apartments, I had attended a pool party, where I was drugged by a maintenance man, and later raped by him. The way it happened was - I got sick at the pool party - suddenly feeling very dizzy, and excused myself to return to my apartment to rest. Less than a half-hour later, he knocked on my door. Looking through my peephole, I recognized him as the maintenance man, and saw that he was holding a CD in his hand, one that I had apparently left at the party. Thinking he was just simply returning it, I opened the door. He handed me the CD, and then forced himself into my apartment. You can kinda figure out the rest from there....
Though it's painful to relive this memory, and somewhat shameful to have to repeat it as justification for my request to my current landlord - as I said - they've consistently ignored me, and disregarded my fears.
They routinely send strange men to my house - un-escorted subcontractors who probably harbor no ill-will at all. But, I'm unwilling to take that chance, anymore. According to my lease - I'm entitled to receive - in writing - 24-hour advance notice of any workers or other people my landlord deems necessary to work in my unit. After they do that, I'm supposed to allow them access to my unit. And, for the most part - I've been totally compliant in that regard over the years....:
In the past, I've reluctantly allowed painters, landscapers, HVAC cleaners, electricians, plumbers, cabinet makers, exterminators, tile workers, roofers.... etc... into my home un-escorted by maintenance, and with little or no prior notice (trying to be cooperative). One of the workers even admitted to me he was a convicted felon. Yet, the parade of strange men continues, unabated. It's like this isn't even MY house, and I have NO rights....
To me, this illustrates how inconsiderate, rude, disrespectful and mean my landlord and maintenance crew are - to be so insensitive as to continually traumatize me despite my repeated requests for them to STOP. But, there's also a clause in my lease which says they can evict me if I DON'T allow their sub-contractors into "my" home, so it's a catch-22.
I guess that's why today - workers from Rockville Window and Door Co. continued to bang on my door from 9:00am to 1:00 pm - until I finally put a note up on my window telling them that if they continued to bang on my door, I was going to call the Police. That stopped them.
Why my landlord continues to treat me with such total and utter lack of respect, I don't know. Maybe they get some kind of cheap, sadistic thrill from it.. ?? Someone once said: 'You can only give the level of respect you have for yourself'; Maybe they have no respect for themselves... ?? Maybe they've never been raped. I hate to wish ill-will on someone else, but.......
I drifted back to sleep.... But, a few minutes later - there it was again. Banging. Louder. This time, there was no doubt that it was my door. Banging, like "OPEN UP ! IT'S THE POLICE !!" type banging. So, being curious - I went downstairs and looked through the window. Sure enough - there was a strange man banging at my front door. When he realized that wasn't working, he tried the doorknob, then began tapping on the window, insistently.
Now, I should back up and say that I have a checkered past with my landlord, and maintenance crew. Despite my repeated requests for them to give me advanced notice when they send strange men / subcontractors to my house - they repeatedly ignore me, and send them anyway.
I didn't make that request lightly. 15 years ago, while living here in Rockville, at Fireside Park Apartments, I had attended a pool party, where I was drugged by a maintenance man, and later raped by him. The way it happened was - I got sick at the pool party - suddenly feeling very dizzy, and excused myself to return to my apartment to rest. Less than a half-hour later, he knocked on my door. Looking through my peephole, I recognized him as the maintenance man, and saw that he was holding a CD in his hand, one that I had apparently left at the party. Thinking he was just simply returning it, I opened the door. He handed me the CD, and then forced himself into my apartment. You can kinda figure out the rest from there....
Though it's painful to relive this memory, and somewhat shameful to have to repeat it as justification for my request to my current landlord - as I said - they've consistently ignored me, and disregarded my fears.
They routinely send strange men to my house - un-escorted subcontractors who probably harbor no ill-will at all. But, I'm unwilling to take that chance, anymore. According to my lease - I'm entitled to receive - in writing - 24-hour advance notice of any workers or other people my landlord deems necessary to work in my unit. After they do that, I'm supposed to allow them access to my unit. And, for the most part - I've been totally compliant in that regard over the years....:
In the past, I've reluctantly allowed painters, landscapers, HVAC cleaners, electricians, plumbers, cabinet makers, exterminators, tile workers, roofers.... etc... into my home un-escorted by maintenance, and with little or no prior notice (trying to be cooperative). One of the workers even admitted to me he was a convicted felon. Yet, the parade of strange men continues, unabated. It's like this isn't even MY house, and I have NO rights....
To me, this illustrates how inconsiderate, rude, disrespectful and mean my landlord and maintenance crew are - to be so insensitive as to continually traumatize me despite my repeated requests for them to STOP. But, there's also a clause in my lease which says they can evict me if I DON'T allow their sub-contractors into "my" home, so it's a catch-22.
I guess that's why today - workers from Rockville Window and Door Co. continued to bang on my door from 9:00am to 1:00 pm - until I finally put a note up on my window telling them that if they continued to bang on my door, I was going to call the Police. That stopped them.
Why my landlord continues to treat me with such total and utter lack of respect, I don't know. Maybe they get some kind of cheap, sadistic thrill from it.. ?? Someone once said: 'You can only give the level of respect you have for yourself'; Maybe they have no respect for themselves... ?? Maybe they've never been raped. I hate to wish ill-will on someone else, but.......
Sunday, January 15, 2012
My son and I have been complaining about rats and mice in our home for over six (6) months. We primarily see them in our livingroom, and kitchen areas. Last week, I waited till 1:00pm to go downstairs to eat, because I was so scared.
Although Orkin Extermination Services are contracted by my Housing Authority, they've 'missed' coming to my home for the last three months, for whatever reason.....
And we still have the mice / rats. Just tonight, my son came running upstairs in a panic, after seeing another one. But, no - let me rewind 72 hours....
Last Thursday night I was in the livingroom on the computer, and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked, and sure enough - I caught the back end of the rat/mouse. It had a long tail. Of course - me being a girl - I screamed. LOUD. Woke my son up.... Poor thing.....
He had been saying that he was seeing them all along, but - because I hadn't actually seen one myself, I had only half believed him.... I thought he was just grossing his mom out for the fun factor.
But, yep - there it was... big, fat, slow and grey.... DEFINATELY NOT a tenant you want in your house.
First thing Friday morning I'm on the phone to my landlord. The Housing Authority Manager says that he can't (or won't) get Orkin out to my house until Tuesday, but that he would leave little sticky things (traps) at my door.
Leave little sticky things at my door. Little sticky things.... At. my. door.
Needless to say - that was unacceptable. So, I call the HUD Field Office, and tell them that I have rodents, and that my landlord won't do anything about it. Well, it was true to MY understanding. I don't count 'leaving little sticky things at my door' an appropriate response.
The HUD Field Office lady calls me - says: "Well, they SAID they were gonna help you on Tuesday". I said: "Lookee here - lady, if YOU had a RAT in YOUR house - would YOU wanna wait till Tuesday????!!!!" (I really did say that).
So, needless to say - she got my manager / landlord out that same day, where he pretended to be REALLY concerned about them... HHHhhhhhhmmmmnnnn.......
When I asked if we could get a cat, since nothing else seems to have worked these last six months; He replied: "Well, first you would need to provide a $300.00 deposit, and Orkin can't put an invisible shield of powder or other chemical along the fenceline because PETA might object....."
I pay rent here, but god forbid PETA might object.... HHhhhhhhhmmmmmnnn.......
This is the insanity and illogical rationale I have to live with daily. THEY can poison US, but WE can't poison the rats... Makes no damn sense. NONE. We can be traumatized and suffer - just so long as THEY profit, and PETA's happy.
Welcome to my life.
Although Orkin Extermination Services are contracted by my Housing Authority, they've 'missed' coming to my home for the last three months, for whatever reason.....
And we still have the mice / rats. Just tonight, my son came running upstairs in a panic, after seeing another one. But, no - let me rewind 72 hours....
Last Thursday night I was in the livingroom on the computer, and I saw something move out of the corner of my eye. I looked, and sure enough - I caught the back end of the rat/mouse. It had a long tail. Of course - me being a girl - I screamed. LOUD. Woke my son up.... Poor thing.....
He had been saying that he was seeing them all along, but - because I hadn't actually seen one myself, I had only half believed him.... I thought he was just grossing his mom out for the fun factor.
But, yep - there it was... big, fat, slow and grey.... DEFINATELY NOT a tenant you want in your house.
First thing Friday morning I'm on the phone to my landlord. The Housing Authority Manager says that he can't (or won't) get Orkin out to my house until Tuesday, but that he would leave little sticky things (traps) at my door.
Leave little sticky things at my door. Little sticky things.... At. my. door.
Needless to say - that was unacceptable. So, I call the HUD Field Office, and tell them that I have rodents, and that my landlord won't do anything about it. Well, it was true to MY understanding. I don't count 'leaving little sticky things at my door' an appropriate response.
The HUD Field Office lady calls me - says: "Well, they SAID they were gonna help you on Tuesday". I said: "Lookee here - lady, if YOU had a RAT in YOUR house - would YOU wanna wait till Tuesday????!!!!" (I really did say that).
So, needless to say - she got my manager / landlord out that same day, where he pretended to be REALLY concerned about them... HHHhhhhhhmmmmnnnn.......
When I asked if we could get a cat, since nothing else seems to have worked these last six months; He replied: "Well, first you would need to provide a $300.00 deposit, and Orkin can't put an invisible shield of powder or other chemical along the fenceline because PETA might object....."
I pay rent here, but god forbid PETA might object.... HHhhhhhhhmmmmmnnn.......
This is the insanity and illogical rationale I have to live with daily. THEY can poison US, but WE can't poison the rats... Makes no damn sense. NONE. We can be traumatized and suffer - just so long as THEY profit, and PETA's happy.
Welcome to my life.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Per Wikipedia: Sing Sing Correctional Facility is a maximum security prison[2] operated by the New York State Department of Correctional Services in the town of Ossining, New York. It is located about 30 miles north of New York City on the bank of the Hudson River.
I lied. In an earlier blog, I painted my life as being (one reader observed) "Rockwellian" in nature. And, for the most part - it was. But, for whatever reason, my parents couldn't wait to ship me off to my Aunts every weekend, to Ossining N.Y.
Though it was only ten miles away, it may as well have been on another planet. My Aunts' house was right on the bank of the Hudson River, actually a tributary to it - and across from Sing Sing Prison. It was the epitome of the word: 'Ghetto'. Though omnipresent, we rarely talked about the prison itself. It was like the proverbial elephant in the room; We were taught that if we heard the siren sound, it was signaling that an inmate had escaped, and we were to drop whatever we were doing, and run home - only to remain in the house, under lock and key, until the prisoner (s) were caught. As a child, I didn't know how to feel about that. I guess I was supposed to think it was normal, like the garbage everyone dumped behind her house. Like the stench which permeated her property because of what people poured in the 'river' behind her home. Like how we could never go to the store alone, we always had to travel in groups (preferably with boy escorts, and not to flirt with, either).
I guess I know this is wrong (my current living conditions), because I've already endured it - in an earlier life. And, I remember how much I dreaded going to my Aunts house, and how grateful I was to return home Sunday night - no matter how dysfunctional it was.
The funny thing is, now Ossining has been gentrified somewhat, enough for my (white) step-sister to feel comfortable living there, and raising her kids there. Life is funny. 30 years ago, you couldn't have paid her to visit Ossining, yet now she lives there. That's hilarious to me.
Ask her - and of course she'll say it doesn't matter, nothing matters. She makes enough money to insulate her from the horrors of Sing Sing, and the stench and fear it evokes. I guess it also helps that there are plans being finalized as I write this - to convert the prison into a museum. Aaaaahhhhhh..... Capitalism at it's best......
And so, yes - we've come full circle to money, and the fact that if you have enough of it - you can see things you want to see, and you can afford NOT to see the things you don't. That's what I want - the luxury of having the choice NOT to live next to a swamp, or across from a landfill - or down the street from a prison - if I don't want to. That's what I want.
I lied. In an earlier blog, I painted my life as being (one reader observed) "Rockwellian" in nature. And, for the most part - it was. But, for whatever reason, my parents couldn't wait to ship me off to my Aunts every weekend, to Ossining N.Y.
Though it was only ten miles away, it may as well have been on another planet. My Aunts' house was right on the bank of the Hudson River, actually a tributary to it - and across from Sing Sing Prison. It was the epitome of the word: 'Ghetto'. Though omnipresent, we rarely talked about the prison itself. It was like the proverbial elephant in the room; We were taught that if we heard the siren sound, it was signaling that an inmate had escaped, and we were to drop whatever we were doing, and run home - only to remain in the house, under lock and key, until the prisoner (s) were caught. As a child, I didn't know how to feel about that. I guess I was supposed to think it was normal, like the garbage everyone dumped behind her house. Like the stench which permeated her property because of what people poured in the 'river' behind her home. Like how we could never go to the store alone, we always had to travel in groups (preferably with boy escorts, and not to flirt with, either).
I guess I know this is wrong (my current living conditions), because I've already endured it - in an earlier life. And, I remember how much I dreaded going to my Aunts house, and how grateful I was to return home Sunday night - no matter how dysfunctional it was.
The funny thing is, now Ossining has been gentrified somewhat, enough for my (white) step-sister to feel comfortable living there, and raising her kids there. Life is funny. 30 years ago, you couldn't have paid her to visit Ossining, yet now she lives there. That's hilarious to me.
Ask her - and of course she'll say it doesn't matter, nothing matters. She makes enough money to insulate her from the horrors of Sing Sing, and the stench and fear it evokes. I guess it also helps that there are plans being finalized as I write this - to convert the prison into a museum. Aaaaahhhhhh..... Capitalism at it's best......
And so, yes - we've come full circle to money, and the fact that if you have enough of it - you can see things you want to see, and you can afford NOT to see the things you don't. That's what I want - the luxury of having the choice NOT to live next to a swamp, or across from a landfill - or down the street from a prison - if I don't want to. That's what I want.
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Those of you in my age group and above will remember the popular T.V. sitcom: The Jeffersons.
Their theme song went something like this:
'Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.
Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
Beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin',
Just to get up that hill.
Now we're up in the big leagues,
Gettin' our turn at bat.
As long as we live, it's you and me baby,
There ain't nothin wrong with that.
Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie !
Lol.... The third line of the second verse: 'Took a whole lotta tryin'....' is especially poignant to me because of something someone said to me the other day. It was a guy here in the neighborhood. I showed him the magazine I've been published in (BETHESDA Mag, Jan issue), and I said something like: "I'm trying to get more people interested and concerned about what's happening around here...", to which he replied: "Oh, you can forget about that, cuz people don't think it's a bad thing to live in the 'hood anymore.... They're not even TRYING to get out....! "
Now, I'm not often stunned speechless, but - I was when he said that. Stunned. Speechless. As much as I wanted to deny and debate him (I love a great debate); I couldn't, because I realized he was right. So many of us have been lulled into a false sense of security, and rocked to sleep that we either don't know, or don't want to admit that we're a single paycheck away from homelessness.
But, as Spike Lee would say: "WAKE - UP !"
As Martin would say: "WAKE - UP !"
As Malcolm would say: "WAKE -UP !"
As I would say: "WAKE-UP !"
Their theme song went something like this:
'Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie.
Fish don't fry in the kitchen;
Beans don't burn on the grill.
Took a whole lotta tryin',
Just to get up that hill.
Now we're up in the big leagues,
Gettin' our turn at bat.
As long as we live, it's you and me baby,
There ain't nothin wrong with that.
Well we're movin on up,
To the east side.
To a deluxe apartment in the sky.
Movin on up,
To the east side.
We finally got a piece of the pie !
Lol.... The third line of the second verse: 'Took a whole lotta tryin'....' is especially poignant to me because of something someone said to me the other day. It was a guy here in the neighborhood. I showed him the magazine I've been published in (BETHESDA Mag, Jan issue), and I said something like: "I'm trying to get more people interested and concerned about what's happening around here...", to which he replied: "Oh, you can forget about that, cuz people don't think it's a bad thing to live in the 'hood anymore.... They're not even TRYING to get out....! "
Now, I'm not often stunned speechless, but - I was when he said that. Stunned. Speechless. As much as I wanted to deny and debate him (I love a great debate); I couldn't, because I realized he was right. So many of us have been lulled into a false sense of security, and rocked to sleep that we either don't know, or don't want to admit that we're a single paycheck away from homelessness.
But, as Spike Lee would say: "WAKE - UP !"
As Martin would say: "WAKE - UP !"
As Malcolm would say: "WAKE -UP !"
As I would say: "WAKE-UP !"
Friday, January 6, 2012
My last blog I quoted the noted Economist: Branko Milanovic; Specifically his assertion that - in the grand scheme of things - even the poorest 5% Americans are better off than the poorest (people) in other parts of the world... Or something like that.
So, I guess that stunning statistic was supposed to shut me up. Well, it didn't - because according to our U.S.Constitution, specifically:
The first and second article of the Virginia Declaration of Rights adopted unanimously by the Virginia Convention of Delegates on June 12, 1776 and written by George Mason, states:
In this society, too often we erroneously equate money with happiness. But, I've known poor people who were very happy; Conversely, I've known rich people who were MISERABLE.
There's even a show on T.V. called: 'The Lottery Changed My Life', which I watch from time to time, basically to prove my own point, which is that money can't buy happiness. In fact, according to the bible - 'money is the root of all evil....'
If you've read my blogs so far, I rarely talk about money. More often than not, I'm talking about the fact that my basic, human rights have been violated (as well as my childrens'), and how that has negatively affected our quality of life.
Sure, if I were offered a monetary settlement, I wouldn't turn it down - don't get me wrong - but - that's not the point. The point is: That there are people here in our City Government, being allowed by those in our Federal Government - to interfere with our basic right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
And, if they're allowed to interfere in ours, what makes you think they won't interfere in YOURS sometime SOON??!!
So, I guess that stunning statistic was supposed to shut me up. Well, it didn't - because according to our U.S.Constitution, specifically:
The first and second article of the Virginia Declaration of Rights adopted unanimously by the Virginia Convention of Delegates on June 12, 1776 and written by George Mason, states:
'That all men are by nature equally free and independent, and have certain inherent rights, of which, when they enter into a state of society, they cannot, by any compact, deprive or divest their posterity; namely, the enjoyment of life and liberty, with the means of acquiring and possessing property, and pursuing and obtaining happiness and safety.'Let me repeat that: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. It doesn't say anything about having a boatload of money to be able to afford it. In fact, it doesn't say anything about money at all.
In this society, too often we erroneously equate money with happiness. But, I've known poor people who were very happy; Conversely, I've known rich people who were MISERABLE.
There's even a show on T.V. called: 'The Lottery Changed My Life', which I watch from time to time, basically to prove my own point, which is that money can't buy happiness. In fact, according to the bible - 'money is the root of all evil....'
If you've read my blogs so far, I rarely talk about money. More often than not, I'm talking about the fact that my basic, human rights have been violated (as well as my childrens'), and how that has negatively affected our quality of life.
Sure, if I were offered a monetary settlement, I wouldn't turn it down - don't get me wrong - but - that's not the point. The point is: That there are people here in our City Government, being allowed by those in our Federal Government - to interfere with our basic right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.
And, if they're allowed to interfere in ours, what makes you think they won't interfere in YOURS sometime SOON??!!
Thursday, January 5, 2012
World Bank economist Branko Milanovic concluded in his book 'The Haves and the Have-Nots' "...In the grand scheme of things, even the poorest 5% of Americans are better off financially than two thirds of the entire world....."
According to a Barnes and Noble book review: "...Bold, engaging, and illuminating, 'The Haves and the Have-Nots' teaches us not only how to think about inequality, but why we should.
Most Indian reservations still do not have indoor plumbing, or electricity, to this day.
In India and most of the African Continents, women and children must make daily pilgrimages - sometimes walking many miles to the local well or river just to get water for basic tasks like bathing and cooking. Along the way, they face innumerable dangers, such as rape, attack by soldiers, snakes, and theft from others wanting to steal their water.
I myself am still struck by the memory I have of an incident which happened when living in Korea, serving in the Army. I call it the 'Pied Piper Incident'. My friend and I had decided one day to take a walk through the local town. We got lost. So, while wandering aimlessly down alleys and side streets we began to hear giggling behind us. Turning around, we realized that we'd inadvertantly gathered a following of little children. Though I didn't speak Korean sufficiently to understand exactly what they were saying, it was clear that they were poor and hungry. It was obvious they were following us begging for money and/or food. At first we thought it was funny, and cute. Then - when we realized the seriousness of the situation, we stopped laughing, and emptied our pockets - giving them everything we had.
Here, in the United States - we who are supposed to be more civilized and educated - funnel money and services to the 'poor'. The 5%. I'm well aware when I write these blogs that there are people who are worse off than myself. But, even you have to admit that - when you're watching those commercials with Sally Field begging for a dollar a month to feed a hungry child - how come those childrens' parents aren't advocating for their children themselves?! So, as selfish as this blog sounds - this is ME begging for a better quality of life for myself and my child. This is ME exposing how our taxpayer money is being mispent and squandered. This is ME detailing how there are still a class of people who go to work worrying where they're going to sleep tonight, and how they're going to feed their children. This is ME stating as succinctly as I can that there are people who - while they're being 'helped' on the one hand, are expected to sacrifice personal safety, health and welfare on the other.
And, this is ME saying that it's not ok; And that I think - no, I KNOW we can and should do better.
According to a Barnes and Noble book review: "...Bold, engaging, and illuminating, 'The Haves and the Have-Nots' teaches us not only how to think about inequality, but why we should.
Most Indian reservations still do not have indoor plumbing, or electricity, to this day.
In India and most of the African Continents, women and children must make daily pilgrimages - sometimes walking many miles to the local well or river just to get water for basic tasks like bathing and cooking. Along the way, they face innumerable dangers, such as rape, attack by soldiers, snakes, and theft from others wanting to steal their water.
I myself am still struck by the memory I have of an incident which happened when living in Korea, serving in the Army. I call it the 'Pied Piper Incident'. My friend and I had decided one day to take a walk through the local town. We got lost. So, while wandering aimlessly down alleys and side streets we began to hear giggling behind us. Turning around, we realized that we'd inadvertantly gathered a following of little children. Though I didn't speak Korean sufficiently to understand exactly what they were saying, it was clear that they were poor and hungry. It was obvious they were following us begging for money and/or food. At first we thought it was funny, and cute. Then - when we realized the seriousness of the situation, we stopped laughing, and emptied our pockets - giving them everything we had.
Here, in the United States - we who are supposed to be more civilized and educated - funnel money and services to the 'poor'. The 5%. I'm well aware when I write these blogs that there are people who are worse off than myself. But, even you have to admit that - when you're watching those commercials with Sally Field begging for a dollar a month to feed a hungry child - how come those childrens' parents aren't advocating for their children themselves?! So, as selfish as this blog sounds - this is ME begging for a better quality of life for myself and my child. This is ME exposing how our taxpayer money is being mispent and squandered. This is ME detailing how there are still a class of people who go to work worrying where they're going to sleep tonight, and how they're going to feed their children. This is ME stating as succinctly as I can that there are people who - while they're being 'helped' on the one hand, are expected to sacrifice personal safety, health and welfare on the other.
And, this is ME saying that it's not ok; And that I think - no, I KNOW we can and should do better.
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
I know... I know... People will read my blogs, and dismiss my rantings because they sound like they're written by an angry black woman. And they would be right. I AM an angry black woman. No apologies.
There's a saying: 'Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes."
But, I have to admit - I also find a certain amount of humor and irony in that fact as well, since half my family is white. My step-mother is White. My Aunt is White. My nephews are half-white, my son is mixed, my sisters are white.... I would have additional Aunts and Uncles who are white, except they disowned my step-mother as soon as she married my dad. So, I've never met them.
I grew up in an all-white neighborhood, right down the street from the first black Miss America - Vanessa Williams. We went to all-white schools together, and endured the disdain of our neighbors together. One family in our neighborhood was so disappointed by our lack of fear, and having the audacity to live where we lived -and be happy about it - that they burned a cross on our lawn.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because I want to let you know that while I do harbor anger and resentment that (on some issues) time has stood still, it's not coming from a purely racist or ignorant stance.
It's coming from frustration that there's still a certain segment of our society for which the band marches on, and they're 'allowed' to live in peace and harmony - yet the rest of us are expected to somehow justify our existence - constantly.
Isn't it bad enough that I have to warn my son about the strange guy on the corner who likes to give candy to kids, but I also gotta warn him about how to react WHEN not IF he's called a 'nigger'?!
Why do we still live in a society which says that there are some (people) who deserve to fulfill their dreams, but ours still get 'deferred'?
And, I'm not just talking about race. I'm not even referring to economic class, I'm talking about the general attitudes and stereotypes one group likes to place other groups in, just to make themselves feel better.
How they cloak themselves in philanthropy, and volunteerism and call it a day.... Whatever happened to fairness, equality and the freedom of pursuit of happiness? What happened to those?!
There's a saying: 'Don't judge a man until you've walked a mile in his shoes."
But, I have to admit - I also find a certain amount of humor and irony in that fact as well, since half my family is white. My step-mother is White. My Aunt is White. My nephews are half-white, my son is mixed, my sisters are white.... I would have additional Aunts and Uncles who are white, except they disowned my step-mother as soon as she married my dad. So, I've never met them.
I grew up in an all-white neighborhood, right down the street from the first black Miss America - Vanessa Williams. We went to all-white schools together, and endured the disdain of our neighbors together. One family in our neighborhood was so disappointed by our lack of fear, and having the audacity to live where we lived -and be happy about it - that they burned a cross on our lawn.
Why am I telling you all of this? Because I want to let you know that while I do harbor anger and resentment that (on some issues) time has stood still, it's not coming from a purely racist or ignorant stance.
It's coming from frustration that there's still a certain segment of our society for which the band marches on, and they're 'allowed' to live in peace and harmony - yet the rest of us are expected to somehow justify our existence - constantly.
Isn't it bad enough that I have to warn my son about the strange guy on the corner who likes to give candy to kids, but I also gotta warn him about how to react WHEN not IF he's called a 'nigger'?!
Why do we still live in a society which says that there are some (people) who deserve to fulfill their dreams, but ours still get 'deferred'?
And, I'm not just talking about race. I'm not even referring to economic class, I'm talking about the general attitudes and stereotypes one group likes to place other groups in, just to make themselves feel better.
How they cloak themselves in philanthropy, and volunteerism and call it a day.... Whatever happened to fairness, equality and the freedom of pursuit of happiness? What happened to those?!
13 years ago, I was pregnant with my son, and had a 14-year-old daughter. We were homeless, penniless and jobless. Totally destitute. So much so, that I seriously contemplated giving my son up for adoption after he was born. As a matter of fact, I let him go to a foster home for two weeks after his birth, in order to give myself time and opportunity to make a rational decision. Of course, now you know that I kept him.
Fortunately, there was a homeless shelter here in Rockville which was called: 'Stepping Stones Shelter. They helped us get on our feet, and into Public Housing, where we are now. My whole intent of accepting public housing was to use it as a temporary measure to help us get back on our feet, and become self-sufficient again. I say "again", because I had been self-sufficient before, but a prolonged illness combined with a difficult pregnancy, losing my job and getting evicted all at the same time caused me/us to get behind the proverbial eightball.
Being in public housing has a certain stigma attached to it. No matter who you are, or what your specific situation is, it implies that you're a drunk, or a lazy, stupid bum... Gotta be - otherwise - how would you get to the bottom of the barrel?!!
Contrary to the stereotype, I have always been a motivated, goal-oriented individual. Clear with what I want, and what my kids need. That's why I am so angry that the same system which was supposed to help - has actually ended-up hurting myself and my family. If you've read my prior blogs, then you'll know what I'm talking about....
I can't stress how much I've complied with every single rule and regulation set forth before me by this housing authority, yet they've played fast and loose with our lives and our money like kittens with a ball of thread. Carelessly, recklessly and rudely.
Had you asked me from the beginning, I would have told you definitively that we wouldn't be here any longer than 5 years. So far, it's been 10; With no end in sight.
So, now it looks like I'm just a lazy bum content to take advantage of the 'system', when nothing could be further from the truth.
It's embarrassing, frustrating and humiliating. That's another reason why I have no problem going 'public' right now. If I can be embarrassed, frustrated, and humiliated - then hopefully, they can too.
Fortunately, there was a homeless shelter here in Rockville which was called: 'Stepping Stones Shelter. They helped us get on our feet, and into Public Housing, where we are now. My whole intent of accepting public housing was to use it as a temporary measure to help us get back on our feet, and become self-sufficient again. I say "again", because I had been self-sufficient before, but a prolonged illness combined with a difficult pregnancy, losing my job and getting evicted all at the same time caused me/us to get behind the proverbial eightball.
Being in public housing has a certain stigma attached to it. No matter who you are, or what your specific situation is, it implies that you're a drunk, or a lazy, stupid bum... Gotta be - otherwise - how would you get to the bottom of the barrel?!!
Contrary to the stereotype, I have always been a motivated, goal-oriented individual. Clear with what I want, and what my kids need. That's why I am so angry that the same system which was supposed to help - has actually ended-up hurting myself and my family. If you've read my prior blogs, then you'll know what I'm talking about....
I can't stress how much I've complied with every single rule and regulation set forth before me by this housing authority, yet they've played fast and loose with our lives and our money like kittens with a ball of thread. Carelessly, recklessly and rudely.
Had you asked me from the beginning, I would have told you definitively that we wouldn't be here any longer than 5 years. So far, it's been 10; With no end in sight.
So, now it looks like I'm just a lazy bum content to take advantage of the 'system', when nothing could be further from the truth.
It's embarrassing, frustrating and humiliating. That's another reason why I have no problem going 'public' right now. If I can be embarrassed, frustrated, and humiliated - then hopefully, they can too.
Three or four times this past year, my livingroom has been enveloped in a fog. Really. There's no other way to describe it.
It usually goes like this:
My son and I will be in the livingroom eating, on the computer, talking and/or watching T.V. Then, out of nowhere, a fog will descend. I don't wanna say anything, because I think maybe I'm imagining it, and I don't want to alarm my son. However, in about a minute - he'll turn to me with a strange expression on his face, and blurt out in all his 11-year-old honesty: "Do YOU see THAT ??!!" Feigning ignorance, I'll say: "What?" He'll wave his arms around, and say: "THAT ! THAT ! That .... FOG ??!!" To which, I have to admit, that - yes - I see it.
It's odorless, and doesn't seem to affect our eyes, ears, nose or mouth. But, it is a definite, grey fog. It's not smoke, because smoke has an odor. It'll last for about an hour, and then dissipate. I try not to get upset, but - It's a bizarre phenomenon. One of the many which happen around here.
My dishwasher starts all by itself. But, I don't bother to report it to my landlord, because they'll invariably figure out a way to blame me.
The other night my smoke alarm went off by itself. We weren't cooking, and to my knowledge our neighbors weren't either. I know, because I can usually smell when they are. I didn't bother to report it to my landlord, because they'll invariably figure out a way to blame me; They always do.
I feel like that little piggy in the fable 'The Three Little Pigs', who lived in the straw house, always afraid that one more incident will just blow my house down. And, I'm shaking in my boots. Just like that little piggy.
It usually goes like this:
My son and I will be in the livingroom eating, on the computer, talking and/or watching T.V. Then, out of nowhere, a fog will descend. I don't wanna say anything, because I think maybe I'm imagining it, and I don't want to alarm my son. However, in about a minute - he'll turn to me with a strange expression on his face, and blurt out in all his 11-year-old honesty: "Do YOU see THAT ??!!" Feigning ignorance, I'll say: "What?" He'll wave his arms around, and say: "THAT ! THAT ! That .... FOG ??!!" To which, I have to admit, that - yes - I see it.
It's odorless, and doesn't seem to affect our eyes, ears, nose or mouth. But, it is a definite, grey fog. It's not smoke, because smoke has an odor. It'll last for about an hour, and then dissipate. I try not to get upset, but - It's a bizarre phenomenon. One of the many which happen around here.
My dishwasher starts all by itself. But, I don't bother to report it to my landlord, because they'll invariably figure out a way to blame me.
The other night my smoke alarm went off by itself. We weren't cooking, and to my knowledge our neighbors weren't either. I know, because I can usually smell when they are. I didn't bother to report it to my landlord, because they'll invariably figure out a way to blame me; They always do.
I feel like that little piggy in the fable 'The Three Little Pigs', who lived in the straw house, always afraid that one more incident will just blow my house down. And, I'm shaking in my boots. Just like that little piggy.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
I started to title this blog: "The American Dream - Deferred"... Because that's what this is, but 'Privacy' fits better with what I want to say.
Privacy. Or the lack of. That's what I have. Believe it or not, I'm a VERY private person, however - living in public housing you give up certain things - privacy being one of them. My life is an open book; Unfortunately. I get audited yearly. Think IRS type of audit. They make me sign waivers of information to access my job information, health information, bank information, court records, my kids school information... etc... You name it - they get into it. And, if you've ever been audited by the IRS, you know it's an extremely uncomfortable situation. Picture enduring it for ten years. Every single year.
It's especially uncomfortable for someone like myself, because I'm an honest person. Whatever they need to know - all they have to do is ask - and I would probably tell them.
But no - they feel the need to sneak around behind my back and build a dossier hoping to find... WHAT ???!!!
Let's not even mention the fact that they go through my house when I'm not home (don't ask me how I know this), take pictures, go through my medicine cabinet, refrigerator and drawers. I've had stuff stolen, unplugged and rearranged. It's enough to drive someone nuts.
I had someone comment on my blog recently: "How come you don't just get a basement apartment in a nicer neighborhood?" Because that's not an option under this housing authority. They funnel people where they want them to be. My last home I had to endure it for years living next to a bunch of rednecks who made no bones about the fact that they didn't want us there. And the court / administrative system in this County is geared in favor of landlords. So, as horrible as my situation is -- I've heard of private landlords treating their tenants far worse. This one woman recently told me that her landlord stalked her, and threatened her daily with eviction. HUD housing is supposed to be a tad more civilized... And it is.... just a tad.
Which leads me to 'The American Dream'. It's supposed to be: A house, two car garage, 2.5 children, and a dog. Right? Not "a basement apartment in a nice neighborhood." Not to be facetious, but I don't know why everyone else can have The American Dream, but I (we) can't. Can someone PLEASE tell me THIS?!
Privacy. Or the lack of. That's what I have. Believe it or not, I'm a VERY private person, however - living in public housing you give up certain things - privacy being one of them. My life is an open book; Unfortunately. I get audited yearly. Think IRS type of audit. They make me sign waivers of information to access my job information, health information, bank information, court records, my kids school information... etc... You name it - they get into it. And, if you've ever been audited by the IRS, you know it's an extremely uncomfortable situation. Picture enduring it for ten years. Every single year.
It's especially uncomfortable for someone like myself, because I'm an honest person. Whatever they need to know - all they have to do is ask - and I would probably tell them.
But no - they feel the need to sneak around behind my back and build a dossier hoping to find... WHAT ???!!!
Let's not even mention the fact that they go through my house when I'm not home (don't ask me how I know this), take pictures, go through my medicine cabinet, refrigerator and drawers. I've had stuff stolen, unplugged and rearranged. It's enough to drive someone nuts.
I had someone comment on my blog recently: "How come you don't just get a basement apartment in a nicer neighborhood?" Because that's not an option under this housing authority. They funnel people where they want them to be. My last home I had to endure it for years living next to a bunch of rednecks who made no bones about the fact that they didn't want us there. And the court / administrative system in this County is geared in favor of landlords. So, as horrible as my situation is -- I've heard of private landlords treating their tenants far worse. This one woman recently told me that her landlord stalked her, and threatened her daily with eviction. HUD housing is supposed to be a tad more civilized... And it is.... just a tad.
Which leads me to 'The American Dream'. It's supposed to be: A house, two car garage, 2.5 children, and a dog. Right? Not "a basement apartment in a nice neighborhood." Not to be facetious, but I don't know why everyone else can have The American Dream, but I (we) can't. Can someone PLEASE tell me THIS?!
Monday, January 2, 2012
We have a saying in the 'hood: 'The best way to get rid of roaches is to turn on the light.' And, it's true. Anyone whose ever had roaches knows that when you turn on the light (since they don't like it), they scatter quickly. It's almost comical.
That's what I intend this blog to be: Light.
Because, I'm sure by now you're wondering why I keep whining about the same people and the same issues over and over and over again. It's because I live in HELL.
When you have cruel, disrespectful, sadistic people ruining your life, it becomes HELL.
It wasn't like that for me at first. We had a great Executive Director, Mr. George T. Young. The staff were intelligent, helpful, funny and nice (with the exception of Jennifer Short, but in every barrel there's always one bad apple....).
If you had a problem, all you had to do was walk over to the office, and they would work with you. There was an active Resident Council, and resident complaints were at least heard, if not solved. The landlord / tenant relationships were so secure - they literally displaced 300 people - a whole neighborhood - with very little resistance. Remarkably little resistance, in fact.
We had meetings and there was open, honest dialogue - to the extent that you can really have that with an 'Authority'.... Which is why I think they changed their name to 'Rockville Housing Enterprises'. To make it seem less like an 'authority', at least in name.....
Besides, 'enterprise' sounds progressive, less repressive, more ... forward thinking, I think :-/
Who knows what the original motivation was? And at this point - who really cares??!
The point is: The exact opposite happened.
Mr. Young left suddenly under suspicious circumstances, staff changed over and over and over again, money went missing, promises became broken... Tenants became disenfranchised and angry.
No worries. There's always the RHE Board, right? Wrong. They could really care less about tenants - unless it involves upholding the status quo. I tried to go to their meetings, where they spoke in code, and refused to share documentation. I had even volunteered for the Resident Council at one time, but became disillusioned and withdrew when I found out that they didn't exactly have the Residents' best interests at heart....
Was I missed? Nope. They like things just the way they are; Dirty, dark and undercover. Just like roaches.
That's what I intend this blog to be: Light.
Because, I'm sure by now you're wondering why I keep whining about the same people and the same issues over and over and over again. It's because I live in HELL.
When you have cruel, disrespectful, sadistic people ruining your life, it becomes HELL.
It wasn't like that for me at first. We had a great Executive Director, Mr. George T. Young. The staff were intelligent, helpful, funny and nice (with the exception of Jennifer Short, but in every barrel there's always one bad apple....).
If you had a problem, all you had to do was walk over to the office, and they would work with you. There was an active Resident Council, and resident complaints were at least heard, if not solved. The landlord / tenant relationships were so secure - they literally displaced 300 people - a whole neighborhood - with very little resistance. Remarkably little resistance, in fact.
We had meetings and there was open, honest dialogue - to the extent that you can really have that with an 'Authority'.... Which is why I think they changed their name to 'Rockville Housing Enterprises'. To make it seem less like an 'authority', at least in name.....
Besides, 'enterprise' sounds progressive, less repressive, more ... forward thinking, I think :-/
Who knows what the original motivation was? And at this point - who really cares??!
The point is: The exact opposite happened.
Mr. Young left suddenly under suspicious circumstances, staff changed over and over and over again, money went missing, promises became broken... Tenants became disenfranchised and angry.
No worries. There's always the RHE Board, right? Wrong. They could really care less about tenants - unless it involves upholding the status quo. I tried to go to their meetings, where they spoke in code, and refused to share documentation. I had even volunteered for the Resident Council at one time, but became disillusioned and withdrew when I found out that they didn't exactly have the Residents' best interests at heart....
Was I missed? Nope. They like things just the way they are; Dirty, dark and undercover. Just like roaches.
It sucks being poor, because alot of people equate poverty with stupidity. Except it's just not true. I've met plenty of people who were rich, yet stupid.
My dad used to say: "There's common sense, street sense, and book sense. You can have one, or even two - but most of the time you can't have all three...." Fortunately, I happen to have all three. Not by accident, either. I left home when I was 16, basically taking care of, and raising myself. I was unwanted and unplanned. And, my family let me know it every opportunity they could. I graduated High School (no thanks to my parents); And joined the Army immediately thereafter. My whole adult life I've worked and attended various schools and training programs, constantly trying to upgrade my skills, and improve my lot in life. It helped that I had children to motivate me.
Now that I'm 45, I have time and opportunity to reflect, and have come to the conclusion that it hurts being stereotyped as stupid. I've been taken advantage of - ALOT. There's a saying: 'Ignorance is Bliss'. Well, I'm here to tell you - it's NOT.
When you're poor, people tend to think they can take advantage of you, because they know you don't have a high-powered team of attorneys to back you up.
Take my landlord, for example. They feel totally entitled to issue a contract, and then pick and choose what to uphold. Like, it's contractually inappropriate for ME to be a felon, yet THEY can hire felons to do work in my house, unsupervised.
I have to pay rent, yet THEY don't have to adjust it down when they house me in a deficient unit. I have to pay electricity, yet it says in my lease that THEY'RE responsible for it.
They can bind me to a contract which says they have to set-aside a portion of my rent in an escrow account, and then they can conveniently 'lose' the money that's in there (no questions asked).
I can press for a statement of said account, and they feel somehow entitled to give me a dummy statement, as if I might not notice - because, after all, I'm 'stupid'.
They can initiate an extension of that same contract, and then deny that they did so.
I have to keep my house spotlessly clean, yet THEY can house me next to a toxic moat.
See the hypocrisy? It gets tiring.
Thank God for this blog. Otherwise, I might think I was crazy.. 'whew'
My dad used to say: "There's common sense, street sense, and book sense. You can have one, or even two - but most of the time you can't have all three...." Fortunately, I happen to have all three. Not by accident, either. I left home when I was 16, basically taking care of, and raising myself. I was unwanted and unplanned. And, my family let me know it every opportunity they could. I graduated High School (no thanks to my parents); And joined the Army immediately thereafter. My whole adult life I've worked and attended various schools and training programs, constantly trying to upgrade my skills, and improve my lot in life. It helped that I had children to motivate me.
Now that I'm 45, I have time and opportunity to reflect, and have come to the conclusion that it hurts being stereotyped as stupid. I've been taken advantage of - ALOT. There's a saying: 'Ignorance is Bliss'. Well, I'm here to tell you - it's NOT.
When you're poor, people tend to think they can take advantage of you, because they know you don't have a high-powered team of attorneys to back you up.
Take my landlord, for example. They feel totally entitled to issue a contract, and then pick and choose what to uphold. Like, it's contractually inappropriate for ME to be a felon, yet THEY can hire felons to do work in my house, unsupervised.
I have to pay rent, yet THEY don't have to adjust it down when they house me in a deficient unit. I have to pay electricity, yet it says in my lease that THEY'RE responsible for it.
They can bind me to a contract which says they have to set-aside a portion of my rent in an escrow account, and then they can conveniently 'lose' the money that's in there (no questions asked).
I can press for a statement of said account, and they feel somehow entitled to give me a dummy statement, as if I might not notice - because, after all, I'm 'stupid'.
They can initiate an extension of that same contract, and then deny that they did so.
I have to keep my house spotlessly clean, yet THEY can house me next to a toxic moat.
See the hypocrisy? It gets tiring.
Thank God for this blog. Otherwise, I might think I was crazy.. 'whew'
Social Engineering - Definition: 'The manipulation of the social position and function of individuals in order to manage change in a society.'
Otherwise known as 'steering'. Definition: The discriminatory practice by a real estate agent of maneuvering a client from a minority group away from considering a home in a white neighborhood.
The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830.[1][2]
The Removal Act was strongly supported in the South, where states were eager to gain access to lands inhabited by the Five Civilized Tribes. In particular, Georgia, the largest state at that time, was involved in a contentious jurisdictional dispute with the Cherokee nation. President Jackson hoped removal would resolve the Georgia crisis. The Indian Removal Act was also very controversial. While Native American removal was, in theory, supposed to be voluntary, in practice great pressure was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties.
Someone once said: 'If you don't know your history, you're bound to repeat it.'
I'm living proof that 'social engineering' or 'steering' is still being used by our Federal Government, as well as my local City and County administration to manipulate this "society" I live in, currently.
Picture this: You're just living your life, day to day.... Then someone calls you and says: "You gotta move." :-O
No ifs, ands or buts about it. GO, get out, scram - skedaddle. You don't like it? Tough.
Then picture this: You gotta tell your kids that - due to no fault of their own - they gotta leave their friends, school and normal routine. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Pack your shit. Wipe your tears, hurry up, we gotta go.
Now, picture this: Alls well that ends well.... You're living your life, day to day.... Until you get another phone call: "You gotta move again." WHAT ??!!! :-O
"Oh, yeah, well..... See we have this GREAT master plan for downtown, we're gonna call it: 'Rockville Town Center'.. cobbled sidewalks, family friendly shops, bike trails... Plenty of nice, rich, white people - kinda like Georgetown (in DC); You know - an 'All-American City' .... Except, well - our master plan doesn't include YOU. Unfortunately, you don't fit the profile.... Sooooooooo..... GO. Get out, scram, skedaddle..... Bye bye.... Why are you still here ?!"
So, you sit your kids down and explain.... Due to no fault of their own........
Otherwise known as 'steering'. Definition: The discriminatory practice by a real estate agent of maneuvering a client from a minority group away from considering a home in a white neighborhood.
The Indian Removal Act was signed into law by President Andrew Jackson on May 28, 1830.[1][2]
The Removal Act was strongly supported in the South, where states were eager to gain access to lands inhabited by the Five Civilized Tribes. In particular, Georgia, the largest state at that time, was involved in a contentious jurisdictional dispute with the Cherokee nation. President Jackson hoped removal would resolve the Georgia crisis. The Indian Removal Act was also very controversial. While Native American removal was, in theory, supposed to be voluntary, in practice great pressure was put on Native American leaders to sign removal treaties.
Someone once said: 'If you don't know your history, you're bound to repeat it.'
I'm living proof that 'social engineering' or 'steering' is still being used by our Federal Government, as well as my local City and County administration to manipulate this "society" I live in, currently.
Picture this: You're just living your life, day to day.... Then someone calls you and says: "You gotta move." :-O
No ifs, ands or buts about it. GO, get out, scram - skedaddle. You don't like it? Tough.
Then picture this: You gotta tell your kids that - due to no fault of their own - they gotta leave their friends, school and normal routine. No ifs, ands, or buts about it. Pack your shit. Wipe your tears, hurry up, we gotta go.
Now, picture this: Alls well that ends well.... You're living your life, day to day.... Until you get another phone call: "You gotta move again." WHAT ??!!! :-O
"Oh, yeah, well..... See we have this GREAT master plan for downtown, we're gonna call it: 'Rockville Town Center'.. cobbled sidewalks, family friendly shops, bike trails... Plenty of nice, rich, white people - kinda like Georgetown (in DC); You know - an 'All-American City' .... Except, well - our master plan doesn't include YOU. Unfortunately, you don't fit the profile.... Sooooooooo..... GO. Get out, scram, skedaddle..... Bye bye.... Why are you still here ?!"
So, you sit your kids down and explain.... Due to no fault of their own........
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